About this course
Learn the basics of Flask, a Python framework for building lightweight and dynamic web applications.
Web development with Flask
55sThe pros and cons of Flask
1m 45sTechnologies to use
47sDemo project overview
1m 46sFlask for Windows users
1m 33sInstall Flask and Pipenv
3m 11sCreate your first route in a Flask project
6m 4sFlask's development environment
4m 56sPage templates in Flask with Jinja
4m 29sPassing data into Flask apps with forms
6m 11sPassing form variables to other routes in Flask
4m 20sUsing GET and POST requests in Flask
3m 31sUsing redirect and url_for for error handling
3m 41sSaving to a JSON file
5m 6sParsing a JSON file for conflicting entries
3m 11sAlerting users with message flashing
5m 26sFile uploads from users
8m 17sVariable rules in URLs
5m 39sWorking with static files
4m 19sDisplaying custom error pages
5m 49sImplementing sessions and cookies
7m 9sCreating JSON APIs
2m 26sTemplate blocks and base templates
6m 28sTemplating Flask with Bootstrap
3m 31sBlueprints and views for organization
9m 41sTesting your Flask app
5m 33sWSGI servers and how they work
1m 29sDeploy your Flask app with Gunicorn
8m 5sNext steps
1m 16s