About this course
Build dynamic web applications using Python and Flask, the popular microframework for Python. Learn how to work with databases, web forms, Flask-Security, and more.
Setting up the virtual environment and framework
3m 39sInstalling Python and Flask
8m 14sConfiguring Flask
7m 13sCreating and running a simple Flask application
7m 17sCreating the enrollment application
6m 38sRunning and configuring the development server
6m 49sCreating the homepage
8m 3sCreating navigation links and route patterns
11m 11sCreating the base template
8m 28sCreating child templates
6m 54sPassing data to the view
10m 27sAccessing data via request and response objects
1m 37sURL variables
6m 34sWorking with the GET method
9m 46sWorking with the POST method
3m 2sSending a JSON response
8m 1sInstalling database systems
8m 54sSetting up the database
8m 6sConnecting to the database
12m 35sCreating documents and data
7m 51sCreating the data models
7m 11sInstallation and configuration
9m 16sCreating the login and registration pages
7m 10sUpdating the login route and login template
9m 54sFlashing messages
9m 59sDisplaying form validation error messages
4m 36sProcessing form data and updating the database
6m 45sUpdating login route to interact with database
6m 46sUpdating registration route to interact with database
8m 20sCreating the courses page
6m 2sCreating the enrollment page
8m 58sUpdating the enrollment template
4m 13sCreating the MongoDB aggregation pipeline
9m 56sAdding the aggregation pipeline to application
5m 9sCreating sessions and authentication
5m 23sSetting up the session for logout and enrollment routes
3m 12sUpdating the navigation and testing the session
3m 57sAdding the welcome message to layout
3m 24sInstalling Postman and the Flask-RESTPlus APIs extension
4m 30sFetching data using GET
8m 39sInserting data using POST
6m 36sUpdating data using PUT
4m 30sDeleting data using DELETE
5m 18s