About this course
Learn how and why machine learning and artificial intelligence technology fails and understand ways to make these systems more secure and resilient.
Machine learning security concerns
1m 21sWhat you should know
25sHow systems can fail and how to protect them
3m 22sWhy does ML security matter
5m 41sAttacks vs. unintentional failure modes
2m 59sSecurity goals for ML: CIA
2m 45sPerturbation attacks and AUPs
3m 31sPoisoning attacks
3m 11sReprogramming neural nets
1m 39sPhysical domain (3D adversarial objects)
2m 34sSupply chain attacks
2m 42sModel inversion
3m 12sSystem manipulation
3m 2sMembership inference and model stealing
2m 3sBackdoors and existing exploits
2m 19sReward hacking
2m 16sSide effects in reinforcement learning
2m 30sDistributional shifts and incomplete testing
3m 1sOverfitting/underfitting
2m 45sData bias considerations
4m 48sEffective techniques for building resilience in ML
2m 33sML dataset hygiene
4m 26sML adversarial training
4m 2sML access control to APIs
2m 56sNext steps
1m 32s